2007-05-30 8:25 AM
2011-05-17 12:43 AM
I’m testing the STR912FW44 chip with GCC and STR9 DspLib. Has someone manage to compile it with GNUARM GCC?2011-05-17 12:43 AM
The dsp lib has been ported to gcc in the IDEaliST from Anglia:
www.st-angliamicro.com/software.asp Regards sjo2011-05-17 12:43 AM
I looked at the page and I can't find it. Could you please be a bit more specific?
regards, Erik2011-05-17 12:43 AM
Download Anglia STRx Toolchain (4.1.1) and install it, then you'll find all the Dsplib in the install folder. Regards MBS2011-05-17 12:43 AM
The port seems to be exactly ly the one I did. And it has the same problem. long in[1024]; long out[1024]; memset(&in, 0, sizeof(in)); memset(&out, 0, sizeof(out)); /*Generate sin wawe, Fs=800, f=80, amp=32767*/ gSin(in, 1024, 800, 80, 0, 32767); test_fft = str91x_DSP_INIT(); test_fft->calc_cr4fft_1k(out, in, 1024); When testing this, with a simple sin-wave, I don't get the expected result. I just get a lot of random data. Please help me! [ This message was edited by: erila107 on 30-05-2007 10:35 ]2011-05-17 12:43 AM
Skip my last post. I've found the same bug in my code as in the port I downloaded.
Change .word to .short in the Table_FFT.