2004-04-19 1:49 AM
2004-04-08 10:31 PM
We are currently using a ST10 269 and began porting/adapting SW to a 272b. We currently use the only available doc, i.e. the 276 one. Is the new 2nd UART cell the same on 272 as on 276 (same registers) ? Do you have some sample code to configure the UART (ASC1) ? Thanks in advance, Raphael.2004-04-08 11:43 PM
The 2nd UART is exactly the same in the F272x and the F276. Same registers at same addresses. It is also the same cell as the UART of the F269 that was ''copied'' and put on the XBus interface. The only difference with the ASC0 is that the registers on the XBus are not bit addressable and do not support byte accesses. Otherwise the same code that is running on the UART0 will run on the UART1 after changing the name of the registers. The last ''porting'' action is the interrupt part. You need to use the XIRySEL registers together with the corresponding XPzIC register. Regards, Kenshin2004-04-09 4:45 AM
Thanks a lot for your quick answer !.
If I've well understood, today I have for instance the following code : S0PEN = CHECK_PARITY; S0ODD = EVEN_PARITY; I've not the right to write S1PEN = CHECK_PARITY; S1ODD = EVEN_PARITY; because the new registers are not bit addressable. So I should write : SET.5 = CHECK_PARITY; CLR.12 = EVEN_PARITY; Is it right ? It seems strange to me. I don't know if you could provide some example or the reg272.h file that defines all registers name ?? Best regards, Raphael2004-04-11 11:33 PM
You will find in attachment the ''regh'' file. It can be used for ST10F ________________ Attachments : reg276.h : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006Hzr2&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bY3%2FZWoqclkkItzoHIbMYSmJE8uEkHJ81nhpD9fCo5bICZE&asPdf=false2004-04-19 1:49 AM
Thanks a lot.