2008-12-16 6:18 PM
2011-05-17 12:57 AM
Hey all,
Just a quick one, on page 186 of RM0006, 8.4.1 DMA status/control register for the ENET, it says all these bits are read only, yet the example programs from ST and Keil appear to write to these registers, are these read only or write as well? Would make sense to be write. As well as this it states the reset value for this register is 5A5A0101h, yet the valid values given for TX FIFO and RX FIFO are only up to 4h, not 5h, I assume this is a typo since 4h is listed for 32 words as well as 16word size when really 5h is intended for a 32x32bit word size buffer? Which makes the reset value correct... just checking... if this has been covered before in forums then please say so. Otherwise a quick confirm from someone would be much appreciated. Thx. Nick. :D