2008-01-13 7:45 AM
Problems loading the monitor with the ST10Flasher tool
2007-12-05 1:24 AM
I have problems with the ST10Flasher tool. This tool seems not to work on all machines. I use an own hardware (with ST10F269) and I have some PCs which are not able to flash a new hex-file. I allways get the message that it is not possible to load the monitor. On other PCs I have no problems. On some PCs it takes up to ten times until I succeed. I want to know on what it depends on if the ST10Flasher works.2008-01-10 3:41 AM
Could you please tell me which version of the ST10Flasher you are using and on which platform you are running it (2000, XP etc...)? Best regards, Najoua.2008-01-13 7:45 AM
I have samo trouble....i read an hex file...and then when i try to rewrite it i get a file error...