2006-05-04 06:14 AM
2006-04-28 12:06 AM
I have a problem with ST7DV and i didn't find how to solve it. I tried almost everything. When i create a workspace i have no problem, then when i want to debug my asm i press start debugging and then i select which window i want to see ( like ST7 register) but then when i press stop debugging i have an error message saying ''Unable to save workspace.'' with a red cross, and of course when i press one more time debug, i lost all my window positions. i tried to reinstall the program, to see if the read/write protection from windows was activated, and i tried to boot my computer with windows and only what i needed, but sadly always this message ? Anyone has any idea ? :o Thank you.2006-05-04 06:14 AM
Very strange behavior.
Can you reproduce it with the ADC example provided with STVD7 using the assembler project inside this ADC workspace ?