2006-01-31 7:20 PM
2006-01-31 2:32 AM
I have a little problem in understanding. I try to drive a BLDC motor with the ST7FMC. But the working flow of MTIM timer is a little confusing. For example: F_Periph = 4 MHz and the MPRSR Reg is loaded by 8 and the uC works in switched mode. So, that means the MTIM works at a clock of 7,8125kHz. Now it takes 19.2ms for next C event then MCOMP comprised 150. Is this right? Now comes the confusing part for me. What means the associated step frequenzy in table 40/page 175 at the datasheet? Is this the real clock for MTIM or what does that mean? :-? Unfortunatly the describtion in the datasheet is not clear enough for me. Thats why I ask for some additional informations. Thanks a lot, RoB.2006-01-31 7:20 PM
I would recommend u to post your messages on motor control forum. There u can find answers on most of your questions. About you current problem take a look on http://mcu.st.com/mcu/modules.php?mop=modload&name=Splatt_Forums&file=viewtopic&topic=2696&forum=13 Good luck.