2006-04-24 9:31 PM
2006-04-24 2:58 AM
Im facing a problem related to JTAG interface. First of all, I describe the HW/SW: Im using wiggler as the JTAG dongle to connect to STR710FZ2 uC and OCDremote+insight. TDI, TMS, TCK and TDO all have 10K pull up resistors. Reset circuitry is copied from evaluation board, i.e. master reset resets also the JTAG. But applying JTAG reset does no cause the whole micro to reset. The problem is that flashing of the memory is functioning without any problem (using anglia IDE + integrated flash utility). But it is not possible to step the code in insight debugger. Stepping the code works fine for another micros (AT91) with the same JTAG dongle and insight (and ocdremote). If I try to step the code line by line, insight hangs up. If I check the ocdremote output, it reports the following errors: memory read CPU[1] @0x188, size 4, len 0x4 Error : Processor Running memory read CPU[1] @0x188, size 4, len 0x4 Error : Processor Running memory read CPU[1] @0x18c, size 4, len 0x80 Error : Processor Running memory read CPU[1] @0x18c, size 4, len 0x80 Error : Processor Running However, sometimes ocdremote does not report anything but debugging is still not possible. Any help would be appriciated, Madis2006-04-24 9:31 PM
Stdby pin is tied to Vdd. I got a little success after fitting J4 (I dont have the evaluation board, but I tied these two reset lines together on my board). I did not do it before as I understood from AN2099 section 2.2 that it should not be done... But the problem did not entirely dissaper. Now Im able to take few steps each time (with ocdremote connection speeds 5 and less) I connect. Sometimes it could be 40 steps, sometimes only few. Then insight hangs, no error messages in ocdremote window. After I press ''stop'' from insight, insight complains that there is no response from target and suggests detaching from it. At the same time ocdremote complains (cmd prompt) the following: StopTarget CPU[1] Error: Not in Background I list the resistors I have mounted to the board: JTDI, JTMS, JTCK, JTDO: 4K7 pullup JTRST: 10K pullup DBGRQS: 10K pulldown (not connected to the wiggler) I hope you can give me a hint, thanks, Madis