2008-02-18 1:37 AM
Interface STR912 with Mini ACE 61588
2011-05-17 12:49 AM
Dear All,
Kindly see the attached file, the user's manual for 61588 on page number 24, under the topic ''Overall Address mapping: Words vs Bytes''. the second paragraph's first there lines say us to connect A1 of MCU to A0 of ACE and so on uptil A16 of MCU to A15 of ACE. But what should be done to the A0 of the MCU? Also in STR9 reference manual RM0006 on page 42, ''Mux Mode'' the processor is doing shifting, does this mean we can connect A0 of MCU to A0 of ACE ? Please help, Thanks and Regards, Satnam Singh