2006-03-06 1:20 AM
2006-03-06 1:11 AM
i found in the data sheet that if i use the 64MHz frequency i need to add 1 wait state to the xFLASH, 2 wait states for the XRAM1/2, but what about the iFLASH and iRAM i could not find any data to them, can i assume that they work with 0 wait states? thanks, Uri.2006-03-06 1:18 AM
IFLASH and IRAM (Non XBUS peripherals in general) don't need Waitstates. The IFlash module offers a fast access time, allowing zero wait-state access with CPU frequency up to 64 MHz. XFLASH and XRAM need waitstates because they are seen as external peripherals even they are internal. Regards, Najoua. [ This message was edited by: Najoua on 06-03-2006 14:52 ]2006-03-06 1:20 AM
Thank you very much for the prompt answer.
regards, Uri.