2023-11-15 8:30 AM
We are using STEVAL-STWINKT1B board with a BlueNRG-M2SA BLE module.We want to change the physical layer of the Bluetooth module to utilize bandwidth diversity. But we couldn't figure out how to do this.we have seen "hci_le_set_phy" command in one of posts but we are unable to find that command in latest x-cube-ble2. Is there a way to do it?
2023-11-15 12:44 PM
the register to change the PHY from coded (S=8) to uncoded state is shown in BlueNRG-LP controller ( PHYCTRL_DIG_USR ->RXTXPHY)
but it isn't mentioned anywhere in the documentation of the BlueNRG-M2 module. I think BlueNRG-M2 module does not support coded/uncoded PHY options.
2023-11-24 12:51 AM
BlueNRG-M2 module is based on BlueNRG-2 chipset.
BlueNRG-2 does not support codedPHY so BlueNRG-M2 also does not support it.
BLE devices handling coded PHY are : BlueNRG-LP/LPS and STM32WBA.