2018-11-20 8:23 AM
eDesignSuite is able to provide only the value of the inductance, I would like to know even the value of the resistance at 13.56MHz.
2018-11-20 12:55 PM
Generally speaking, and you may be aware of this, the impedance of an Antennae is best measured with network analyzer, displaying the smith chart. (IMHO)
Other methods often suffice, such as using a signal generator, directional bridge and and Spectrum analyzer. (vswr or return loss - here you look for resonance/tuning)
The antennae will only have a pure Resistance at resonance (best case), and even this may be quite narrow band, Other wise the resistance will actually be a complex impedance R +/- J.
Due the nature of antennae and RF, and the measurement thereof, a virtual analysis may not be yield real results unless your models are quite accurate.
2018-11-21 12:45 AM
Yes I know everything that you said is correct.
But I should design a NFC Antenna for a logistic application, and I would like to compare different layout of antenna (number of turns, spacing, width, etc..) with some tool, instead of produce different PCB and use a network analyzer to measure the impedance.
I have a miniVNA and I will use it when the PCB with the antenna is realized, but I would like make some considerations about the different possible layout before printing the PCB.
I also would like to have some advices regarding some practical cheap NFC passive Tag.