2006-05-02 8:50 PM
2006-04-25 11:44 PM
Hi all,
I' ve two problems. 1. My PC was installed with Win XP and i 've many problem with ST10 Flasher. 2. I trie (when i work with win 2000 and flasher is ok) to write or in general comunicate with serial channel but i've problems. If I run execution on simulator i can see on hyperterminal (simulate by Tasking) that host and target have handshake on serial channel. I think I've problem with configuration strartup(like value on SYSCON) because few month ago my comunication was ok...( i've lost my work :-(((( ) Thank a lot, giodaqui2006-04-26 10:29 PM
Hello giodaqui,
1/ If you are using ST10Flasher V2.3G, it is normal that you have problems when XP is installed on your PC (this is a limitation of the flasher). 2/ If i understood well, you have problems when your application, aiming to comunicate with serial channel, is exeuted from the flash and your application is behaving normally when just using Tasking simulator. Could you please confirm? If this is the case, could you please tell me: - what is the ST10 device and the Flasher version you are using? - how do you proceed to download your application in the flash? - what is the SYSCON register value? I am waiting for your feedback, Best regards, Najoua.2006-04-27 12:22 AM
I'm very happy that you can help me... 1. I work with ST10269 mounted on FS FORTH demo board... 2. Tasking V8.5 r2 3. ST10 Flasher v 2.02 4. SYSCON is 0x14C4 After that I've just put BSL ON, I trie (with WIN2000...because with XP is often impossible) to program internal flash (single chip OFF)... I set BSL OFF, power down my board and than restart... Cross my fingers...nothing!!! I hope that you can help me... Thank you in advance, giodaqui2006-04-27 3:32 AM
Hello giodaqui,
To execute your application from the flash, single chip mode must be ON and not OFF. Regards, Najoua. [ This message was edited by: Najoua on 27-04-2006 16:03 ]2006-04-27 10:48 PM
excuse me, single chip was ON... Could you help me to find right way to start this serial communication... Would you like my personal e-mail?? Reagards, giodaqui2006-04-28 2:49 AM
Could you please give me your code (serial interface initialization routine, transmit data routine etc...) to check it? Regards, Najoua.