2003-01-24 12:51 AM
2011-05-17 2:53 AM
still searching for the problem of non-functioning USB-Demo
in dataheets for 3234 and 3254 add TX1E in UCON1 in page 36/176 UCON1 is ok on page 942011-05-17 2:53 AM
If you have the DK3200 demo kit, and you are trying to run the USB demo that came with it, you need to remove R42 from the PCB, it is located near the USB socket. I have done this and the demo works fine now.
2011-05-17 2:53 AM
I have DK3200 rev0.1.
R42 is removed on rev0.1. And the USB-application-note does not work. Neither version 1.0.0 nor 1.0.6. I tried with Win98se and WinME.2011-05-17 2:53 AM
Hi, Please use the attachment. I have just tested it (13:15 on 24 Jan 2003)on a DK3200 rev 0.1 board, and it works fine. The attached zip file contains the Keil c files, the PSDsoftexpress files and the PC exe. I have correct operation of this software on three separate machines, 2 are win98SE and one was Win2K. My DK3200 Rev0.1 was fresh out of the box (I have previously been working on a DK3200 Rev0.0). I hope this helps.