2007-04-11 8:35 AM
Crystal selection/oscillator considerations
2011-05-17 12:31 AM
Would you please point me at the part of the STR9 documention which deals with crystal selection for the main internal oscillator? I can not seem to find any reference to the crystal properties/specs that are required by the STR9's oscillator to work properly. For example: crystal's cap. load CL, xtal's ESR, or the values for ext. parallel capacitors from MCU's terminals X1_CPU/X2_CPU to ground. Any help in this area is appreciated in advance. Thanks.2011-05-17 12:31 AM
I suggest to look STR9 getting started hardware. With best regards, Punto2011-05-17 12:31 AM
I missed that. Thank you.
2011-05-17 12:31 AM
I saw nothing concerning main crystal ESR, load capacitance, etc in the STR9 getting started guide.
2011-05-17 12:31 AM
I saw nothing concerning main crystal ESR, load capacitance, etc in the STR9 getting started guide.
'cause it ain't there, I thanked for the excellent koan.:-] ..but my design works with a crystal having these specs: f = 12 MHz C_load = 18 pF C_shunt = 7 pF ESR = 100 Ohm2011-05-17 12:31 AM
Thanks for your crystal specs. It will serve as a good starting point for me.