2006-04-18 9:10 PM
Can I program a UPSD3254A with a ST microconnect programmer
2011-05-17 2:50 AM
Is it possible to program a UPSD3254A with the ST micro connect JTAG interface programmer?
Thanks Paul.2011-05-17 2:50 AM
2011-05-17 2:50 AM
Does anyuone ever get an answer on here? :-[
2011-05-17 2:50 AM
The support from ST here is poor (if any)...
But maybe it would help a bit if you would describe your problem in more detail, perhaps giving links to your programmer... Btw., at least theoretically (I never tried in practice), you can export a SVF/JAM(STAPL) file from PSDSoftExpress, so you should be able to program the uPSD with ANY JTAG programmer (capable of playing back SVF/JAM files). Jan Waclawek