2006-04-16 10:06 PM
Any low limit for MCLK during normal operation
2006-04-12 3:36 PM
In reference manaul version 7 on page 39, it stated as 'There is no lower limit for MCLK. However, some peripherals can show incorrect operation when the system clock has a too low frequency.' So what's the 'some peripherals' means? What kind of 'incorrect operation' will come up?
Because when I configure the MCLK to work on 1MHz, it seems I can not redownload my new code to flash, except that I change the RCCU register values in ICE manually so as to make it work on faster frequency. Besides, when configured as working in 1MHz, the current consumption is 30% lower compared with the value on datasheet. So is there any idea about this? [ This message was edited by: patrick_jiang on 13-04-2006 04:07 ]