2015-09-03 03:41 AM
Dear all,
I would like to export the current design project by Viper06 and Viper16 to PSpice, but the ''export button'' is greyed...
In your eDesignSuite Video, you also explain the ''save functions'' with a Viper circuit. In addition the document ''HV Converters'' says that there exist at least a PSpice model for Viper16.My question now: is there a possibility to get a Spice model for a Viper IC?Looking forward to hearing from you.
Thanks a lot!Burger #viper-pspice2015-09-04 05:09 AM
First of all thanks for your interest in eDesignSuite. Unfortunately, VIPer ICs PSpice export in eDesign isn't present, because of the complexity of these applications. PSpice models are available and the ''Export'' button is enabled only for 597x and 598x DC/DC buck designs. However, we are sending you in attachment the PSpice models for VIPer06 IC (all the 3 part numbers, that differ for their switching frequencies). Feel free to contact us again for any doubt or request about this item. Best regards, Patrizia Bellitto eDesignSuite developer and support team ________________ Attachments : VIPER06_XLH.zip : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HzDQ&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bIW%2FYnohrWbczZqb_hnd6rF4EHc.jIkzHEOwklzxpC73pxw&asPdf=false2015-09-07 04:37 AM
Thank you very much!
2015-12-11 04:43 AM
Hello Patrizia,
I have a similar problemcan you send me the viper06 spice model?thanks2015-12-11 05:18 AM
Hello Bruno,
just today we have published a new release of eDesignSuite (7.8.0), where we added the possibility to download the PSpice model only for VIPer06, up to now.Open any buck design with this device, and click on the device name in the schematic. A menu will appear where you can download the PSpice model.2024-05-07 01:44 AM
Hi everyone,
Is it possible to simulate "VIPER 267 KDTR" in any programme (LTSpice, MATLAB, PSIM etc...) for boost converter applications?
thx and regards