2020-02-09 12:40 PM
I'm configuring the registers using the STEVAL-MKI179V1 & STEVAL-MKI109V3 using Unico (see attached please)
I'm planning to use int1=double_tap, int2=sleep/wakeup and to pull over spi from time to time the data (continuous mode).
After i configured the registers i installed the accelerometer on a breadboard (only Vdd, Vddio and Gnd connected) . None of the interrupts are working and the consumption is somewhere at 55nA.
I think somehow the LIS2DW12 is going into the power down mode... (as i understand the only way to go into the power down mode is to use Single data conversion on-demand mode, but this is not my case)
Thank you
2020-02-26 4:54 AM
Hi @BPiti.1 , are you facing troubles with the STEVAL-MKI109V3 tool or with your custom tool? Did you follow the device start-up sequence (described in AN5038 p.12) before setting the interrupts? I suggest you to launch the Easy configuration (green button), to have a proper startup, and then set the interrupt register configurations, according to the same app note. Regards