2018-04-12 7:25 AM
Hi there, I'm new at this form.
I'm trying to use VL53L0X api with STM32F103VB cpu. But ı have a big problem. When ı try to use this api keil show windows.h include problem. When ı try this header to comment it show a lot of another problem.
I want only use this device and measure the distance it is enough for me. Please help me or share any pdf for use this api.
Thanks for help.
2018-05-07 4:15 PM
The trouble with the ST driver is - as delivered - it supports Windows!?!.
The trick is to remove the platform.c and platform.h files that are windows dependent and replace them with the versions for the STM32.
You can get example code already configured for an STM32 at:
Look for the x-cube-53L0A1 down at the bottom. It has example code that will work for STM32's. You might have to tailor the GPIO pins for your F103, but that's easy.