2016-05-26 02:39 AM
Hello everyone,
I'm using the MEMS eval board STEVAl MKI 126V3 with four additional MP34DT01 microphone. I connect these cards to my PC via USB using MKI138V1. My problem is that my PC recognize the USb audio device as a stera device, and not a 6 channell device. I'm able to see the real time signal of the 6 microphones in APworbench software. But since my PC considers only two channels, i can't records all the signals simultaneously using a mutlichannel recording software such as Audacity. Is there a driver or something i need to install to get my PC to considers all the channels ? My guess is that when i plug in the usb card, it's first in PDM Capture mode, using the two channels of MKI138V1. Then I use APworkbench to switch to I2S IN mode. Has osmeone already met and solved this issu ? #mdtp34dt01-driver-mki126-mems