2016-05-09 4:05 AM
I've got a few questions. 1. what is the order anti-aliasing filter of the Acc? 2. what is the order anti-aliasing filter of the Gyro? 3. how does the DLPF1 filter help me if the cut-off freq is higher then nyquist freq? thank you, amir #lsm6ds3 #lsm6ds32016-06-24 2:19 AM
Hi all,
I have similar questions regarding the LSM9DS1: 1. The Acceleration ODR choices go down to 10 Hz, however the bandwidth selection, presumable an anti-aliasing filter, is limited to 50Hz. Thus, when sampling at 10Hz or 50Hz with a bandwidth selection of 50Hz severe aliasing is to be expected. Is there a way to avoid this? 2. The accelerometed digital filter operation is not documented properly. What dow ''high resolution'' refer to? How is LPF or HPF selected?2016-06-30 5:07 AM
Hi Amir,
please refer to the Chapters 2.6 and 2.7 of the AN4650 Application Note downloadable from ST web pages:http://www.st.com/resource/en/application_note/dm00157511.pdfThank you and best regards,Petr2017-02-07 4:48 PM
I don't see those chapters in AN4650, or anything that answers the questions: what is the order of the antialias filters. I have another question: what is the cutoff frequency and order of the gyro antialias filter?