2021-03-13 8:28 AM
Hello to all,
I have problem using Unicleo-GUI with BLE connection and STEVAL-STLKT0V1 SensorTile Kit.
I tryed to load inside the SensorTile the AM1V410 firmware and the AM2V210 firmware but with both I didn't have success.
I follow the video tutorial: first enable the BLE connection inside the Unicleo-GUI, then make the peering with the SensorTile and the PC then open the Unicleo-GUI to see the service available on the popup. But nothing appear.
Attached two screenshot with the output of the Dbgview.exe program, the peereing and the Unicleo-GUI.
Can someone please give me a hint?
Many many thanks in advance
2021-03-16 7:37 AM
Hello Clemente,
it was confirmed that both mentioned firmwares work with SensorTile and Unicleo-GUI without problems.
According to your description you did everything the right way. Unicleo-GUI refreshes the list of paired BLE devices only during application start.
The information is read from windows database, it means that if the device is paired it should be visible in select device combo box.
It seems that there is some problem with device pairing in Windows. Try to remove device from list and pair it again.
Best Regards,
2021-03-16 8:30 AM
Hello Marian,
many thanks for your responce and for your confirmation that my workflow is correct.
I removed the device every time before I made a new test. And I rebooted the PC after the Unicleo-GUI's installation to be shure that all was installed correctly.
I tryed to run the Unicleo with "Administrator privilege" too but without success.
There are other things that I can try to realize the connection?
Best Regards
2021-03-17 9:43 AM
Hello Clemente,
application uses standard SetupAPI procedure to enumerate devices with UUID {00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB}.
No error was listed in your debugview output so everything went OK, just no interfaces were found. I am afraid that something wrong is in Windows.
You can try Bluetooth LE Explorer from Microsoft, if it will be able to detect SensorTile device (it enables connection even without pairing).
Best Regards,
2021-03-17 10:45 AM
Many thanks Marian,
I will try with another PC.
Best Regards
2021-09-09 9:26 PM
, pictures on screen often are darker than predicted, after converting display screen I see diminished "leftovers" from the previous screen and additionally a few monitors flicker, while others are strong as you can see on this page. I don't know the way to explain these problems.