2020-10-09 12:48 PM
I will have to set up an electronic design with 2 VL6180X on the same I2C bus.
ST provide an interesting document about changing addresses while using RESET lines of this component.
I will probably not be able to use this technique due to the geometric configuration (VL6180X on a distant PCB with I2C converted to differential pair).
I can use only one line to pilot the RESET pins. I plan to add a switch with an NPN logic inverter on each distant board which allow to chose if the board must be considered active HIGH or active LOW on this MCU RESET line.
Each time I need a measurement, I will interact with the first one, second one being deaf, then switch the RESET line to interact with the second one, first one being deaf.
Does it seem possible?
Thank you.
2022-04-19 10:11 AM
being a software guy I cannot tell you. But if you toggle the reset line, only one sensor will be alive at a time, the other being in reset. However you will have to re-init the chip each time you switch. The sensor will completely reboot when the reset line is dropped.
If you are willing to do that, then I see no reason it won't work. It's not very fast though. Starting over from a reset takes time.