2017-03-01 12:45 PM
Hello all,
I want to modify the sensor i2c address. So, i can use more than 1 VL53L0X Sensors.
I see AN4846. On page 5/7 it mentioned for API integration guide which is UM2039. In API guide (UM2039), page 20/26 6.6 mentioned for I2C address.
Question is: How to program the VL53L0X ?
What development board, i have to purchase ? Eventually, i want to use multiple VL53L0X with non-stm processor.
Thank You in advance !
2017-03-06 01:58 PM
Hello Swapneel,
The VL53L0X is programmed by its API (simple set of C functions).
The API (stsw-img005) can be downloaded from here:
The P-Nucleo-53L0A1 would be a good starter kit for you.
You can control up to 3 ToF sensors with this kit.
The code source example (X-CUBE-53L0A1) can be downloaded here: