2019-01-28 12:39 PM
Hello everyone. I recently designed a board, with stm32f303cbt6 MCU and MEMS audio sensor mp45dt02 which comes included with the stm32f407 disco board. I have a running configuration on the disco board, which captures mic data and sends it to the DAC out, but trying to run it with this MCU gives me trouble. I downloaded a few versions of libPDMFilter_CM4F_GCC libraries, trying to get it work, but here it is what happens:
and it is like the CRC is not enabled, but the thing is, I enabled it at the first line in main.
The rest of the code should be fine, since I used this configuration on the other board and I just needed to make some small adaptation for this MCU.
I'm relatively new in this field, with little knowledge, and I ran out of ideas what the problem is, so I thought someone with a better knowlegde could give me an advice how to resolve this issue.
Thank You in advance