2018-04-11 8:33 AM
What is LSM9DS1 standby consumption (all sensors off)?
The datasheet says nothing, no value in Electrical characteristics section.
Its predecessor LSM9DS0 has 6uA typical.
2018-04-12 1:09 AM
From my measurement it is about 10uA @ 3.3V.
2018-04-12 8:04 AM
Don't you know why this information is missing in the DS?
2018-04-13 4:11 AM
I'm not aware about any particular reason, but the device is quite old and the datasheets was not so detailed in the past.
2018-04-17 8:12 AM
This doesn't make sense.
LSM9DS0 is obsolete and power down consumption is present in the DS (Chap. 2.3 symbol Idd_Pdn).
LSMDS1 is current product and this info is not specified?