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LSM6DSO32 activity/inactivity detection

Sriyogesh Gopal


I want to implement activity detection using LSM6DSO32 sensor, I follow the application note given by the st microelectronics. In that document they provided register details but for me there is no interrupt is generated.

Register configuration:

 1. Write 50h to CTRL1_XL 
// ODR_XL = 208 Hz, FS_XL = ±4 g
2. Write 40h to CTRL2_G // Turn on the gyroscope
// ODR_G = 104 Hz, FS_G = ±250 dps
3. Write 02h to WAKE_UP_DUR // Set duration for Inactivity detection
// Select Activity/Inactivity threshold resolution and duration
4. Write 01h to WAKE_UP_THS // Set Activity/Inactivity threshold
5. Write 00h to TAP_CFG0 // Select sleep-change notification
// Select slope filter
6. Write E0h to TAP_CFG2 // Enable interrupt
// Inactivity configuration: accelerometer to 12.5 Hz (LP mode),
// Gyroscope to Power-Down mode
7. Write 80h to MD1_CFG // Activity/Inactivity interrupt driven to INT1 pin

I am using nrf52840 to implement the above.

Federica Bossi
ST Employee

Hi @Sriyogesh Gopal ,

Have you already tried to route on INT2? Instead of: Write 80h to MD1_CFG you can write 80h to MD2_CFG.

Let me know if this works.

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Sriyogesh Gopal

Hi Federica 

I tried with both the interrupts and even ALL_INT_SRC also. But it wont occurs