2018-03-08 10:12 PM
The register configuration is as below array which corresponds to ctrl_reg 1-5 of LIS3DH. I read back the ctrl_reg after configure it, the result is correct which means the register is programmed to the value as I wanted. The result I expected is that I could get 12-bit data from OUT_X_L(28h) - OUT_Z_H(2Dh). But the result is I could only get 8-bit data from those registers. The MSB's of the data output registers are always zero. The function I am using to read the acceleration data is copied below as well, where the last parameter of i2c_read as 1 meas burst read. I'm wondering what the problem is to prevent me from getting 12-bit output data. Thanks.
uint8_t ctrl_reg[5]=
{/* Enable x,y,z accelaration detect, normal mode, with 400HZ odr */
0x77,/* Enable high pass filter for AOI1 */
0x09,/* Enable IA1 on INT1 */
0x40,/* Full Scale 2g, high resolution
0x08,/* Fifo Disabled */
0x00};void accel_read(int16_t* accel)
{uint8_t buffer[6];i2c_read(OUT_X_L,buffer,6,1);accel[0]=(buffer[1]<<8)|buffer[0];accel[1]=(buffer[3]<<8)|buffer[2];accel[2]=(buffer[5]<<8)|buffer[4];}2018-03-12 2:42 AM
The function accel_read is not correct (you can't shift left by 8 bits in 8 bit variable).
Try this:
accel[0] = ((int16_t)buffer[1]<<8)+(uint16_t)buffer[0];
2018-03-13 12:43 AM
Please ignore this thread. The sensor we are using is lis3de in stead of lis3dh. So it's no way to get more than 8-bit resolution.