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lis2dwt12 SPI communication with other slaves present


I have lis2dwt12 sensor and nrf24l01+ sensor.Can i connect these devices on same spi line? i will select different CS pins.

Thank you for now.


Yes, that is the whole point of SPI as a bus.

But I couldn't get it to work. I know that different models exist, and I adjusted accordingly. The common pins like SCK, MOSI, MISO are the same. I haven't been able to read the NRF24L01+ registers at all.

I had this thought: could it be that when I set the CS pin of the LIS2DWT12 sensor High, it switches to I2C and is preventing my communication with the NRF?

@Garslanbay wrote:

 I haven't been able to read the NRF24L01+ registers at all.

Can you communicate with it on its own - ie, with the LIS2DWT12 disconnected?

You can disable the I2C in the LIS2DWT12:



Ohh thank you so much i will try it than i will give information about this subject.