2018-10-21 6:48 AM
I have followed the DT097 (design tip for 6d orientation detection). When I moved from vertical position (face up) and rotated the board around X (or Y) axis the interrupt that I got ia when it is angle-complement of what I have selected e.g. 20 degree when I have selcted 70 degree). When I rotated back then the interupt happened at the angleas was selected e.g. 20 degree.
The registers setting: CTRL2=0xA4, CTRL4=0x80, TAP_THS_X=0x20, CTRL1-0x30, BS_INT_CFG=0x20.
BTW, when I have selcted 4D it works as was expected!
2018-10-22 5:19 AM
What exactly is your question? It is not clear?
2018-10-22 6:04 AM
2018-10-25 1:25 AM
It is standard behavior. The interrupt signal is asserted when the device switches from one orientation to another. The tolerance (angle of cone) of each position is the angle-complement (90°-x) of what you have selected.
E.g. if you selected 70°, the interrupt will be triggered each time the board is in position 20° far from one of the six position (landscape up, landscape down, face up, face down, portrait right portrait left).
2018-10-25 2:15 AM
2018-10-25 5:00 AM
Can you please try to attach the pictures, they are not visible in your last and previous post.
2018-10-25 6:25 AM
2019-01-16 7:59 AM
2019-01-18 1:22 AM
Hello, I still don't see the images.