2024-05-10 2:30 AM
I encountered a problem with a couple of LSM6DSOX employed over 2 years in a mobile Hydraulcs application where the came back to factory for inspection and we saw a significant drift of the offset of the accelerometer (>200mg).
Looking at the ASM330LHHXG1 we saw that it is reported in the datasheet the additional information regarding the long term stability (instead of the typical values).
I do not understand if the reported values indicate that a component MAY drift during its lifetime up to the reported values or if the values reported refer mainly to the raw data before a calibration step that we do during production.
Also, given the absence of the max/min long-term reference in the LSM6 datasheet, would it be correct to assume they perform worse than the ASM330 during lifetime? Or instead are the ASM330 only guaranteed to not go outside max/min specification but on average they perform the same?
This discussion is for now limited only to zero-g offset deviation and sensitivity deviation over time after calibration of the accelerometer (already soldered, potted and temperature "aged" before calibration)
2024-05-10 9:07 AM
This post has been escalated to the ST Online Support Team for additional assistance. We'll contact you directly.