2020-02-04 8:21 AM
I'm trying to get an IIS3DWB up and running. If I read the register "WHO_AM_I", however, I only get "0" back! The SDO signal changes from "1" to "0" after 8 clk cycles and only changes again when CS becomes high.
The IIS3DWB data sheet does not contain much information regarding the SPI interface.
STM32 SPI config:
Motorola frame format
MSB First
Baud rate = 2.6MBit / s
CPOL = high
CPHA = 2 edge
Pull-up on
Can someone give me a hint what the problem could be?
2020-02-20 12:55 AM
Hi @FAsch , you don't need pull-up on in SPI mode. The other configurations seems ok. Can you share the pattern analyzer output? And did you check the code to be compliant with ST open C drivers for IIS3DWB? Regards