2019-11-13 11:36 PM
when hand held device is flat i get roll and pitch degree -2 and +2.
during pitch measurement :
moving upwards from a flat level front , and then i get -90 degree.moving flat level from upward i get -2 degree. moving downward from a flat level, and then i get 90 degree.moving flat level from upward i get +2 degree.
during roll measurement :
moving downward from a flat level right side, and then i get -90 degree.moving flat level from downward i get 2 degree.
moving upwards from a flat level at left , and then i get 90 degree.moving flat level from upward i get 2 degree.
means i get pitch and roll degree with range +90 to -90. with out roll and pitch i get the correct degree and direction but when i tilt the hand held device i not get correct degree and direction . so i use roll and pitch in below code but i not get correct degree and direction
i use below code
float xA=(atof(qFileData_xA.simplified()));
float yA=(atof(qFileData_yA.simplified()));
float zA=(atof(qFileData_zA.simplified()));
float pitch;
float roll;
pitch =(180 * atan2(xA, sqrt((yA*yA) + (zA*zA)))/M_PI);
roll = (180 * atan2(yA, sqrt((xA*xA) + (zA*zA)))/M_PI);
if(ReadFileAndGetText(MAGNETOMETER_X_FILE, qFileData_xM))
if( ReadFileAndGetText(MAGNETOMETER_Y_FILE, qFileData_yM))
if( ReadFileAndGetText(MAGNETOMETER_Z_FILE, qFileData_zM))
float xM=atof(qFileData_xM.simplified());
float yM=atof(qFileData_yM.simplified());
float zM=atof(qFileData_yM.simplified());
if(xM >2655)
xM -=8607;
if(yM <-2655)
yM += 9357;
float xMD=xM*cos(pitch)+yM*sin(roll)*sin(pitch) + zM*cos(roll)*sin(pitch);
float yMD=yM * cos(roll) -zM * sin(roll);
float result_degree;
result_degree +=360;
if(result_degree>=330 && result_degree<360)
qDebug() << "POSITION: " << result_degree<<"N";
if(result_degree>=0 && result_degree<30)
qDebug() << "POSITION: " << result_degree<<"N";
if(result_degree>=30 && result_degree<60)
qDebug() << "POSITION: " << result_degree<<"NE";
if(result_degree>=60 && result_degree<120)
qDebug() << "POSITION: " << result_degree<<"E";
if(result_degree>=120 && result_degree<150)
qDebug() << "POSITION: " << result_degree<<"SE";
if(result_degree>=150 && result_degree<210)
qDebug() << "POSITION: " << result_degree<<"S";
if(result_degree>=210 && result_degree<240)
qDebug() << "POSITION: " << result_degree<<"SW";
if(result_degree>=240 && result_degree<300)
qDebug() << "POSITION: " << result_degree<<"W";
if(result_degree>=300 && result_degree<330)
qDebug() << "POSITION: " << result_degree<<"NW";
so please tell me is i use correct equation if yes then where i make the mistake ? please guide me to get correct degree and direction