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I am using an ISM330DHCX device. I want to know how I can program the device to read the 12 registers, OUTX_L_G thru OUTZ_H_A in a continuous mode.


I know that CTRL3_C, IF_INC defaults to auto-increment of register address.

I am trying to stream accel/gyro register data from the device by sending a SPI read command to register OUTX_L_G. The SPI controller is configured to read 12-bytes. The register data is returned as expected.

If I configure the SPI controller to read 512 bytes instead of 12 bytes the device still only returns the first 12 bytes and all 0's after that.

Why is no register data returned after the 12 bytes of gyro/accel data?

My intention is to somehow stream gyro/accel data using one SPI read command.

ST Employee

Hi @DBash.1​ ,

please note that you are limited from the ODR in the speed you can read the output registers.

For examples, if you configure ODR = 52 Hz, your data in the output registers will be available one every 1/52 seconds You should configure the BDU and check the DRDY before running the subsequent readings from the output registers.
