2020-06-03 3:21 PM
I'm trying to flash a program on Steval-BCN002V1(BlueNRG) sensor with NUCLEOf446RE using STM32CubeIDE. I'm facing an issue related to read out protection. I'm not able to disable the read out protection using STLink utility (Menu-> target->option bytes) .The error I get is "Could not set option bytes, please reset the target and retry".
I tried a different option to flash by connecting the 20 JTAG connection on the STEVAL-BCN002V1D(Host board) to ST-link v2 but failed.
Any suggestions/tips for what may have caused this error. Is there any other option to disable the read out protection apart from using ST link utility.
It would be great help.
Thanks in advance,
2020-06-03 4:04 PM
Seems to be a recurring theme.
Try using STM32CubeProgrammer and/or upgrading ST-Link firmware to the latest.
Also note sometimes you may get the error message even though the operation succeeded.
You could also use the built-in bootloader to change option bytes.
2020-06-03 5:39 PM
Can you explain in detain how to use built in bootloader.
I have already tried upgrading firmware and ST cube programmer but that is not working.
2020-06-03 6:11 PM
The bootloader is described in AN2606.