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How can I select the right Accelerometer?


I am designing a sensor to measure vibration from industrial equipment.

The main characteristics of the accelerometer are listed below:

- Acceleration Range - up to 8g

- Type - Digital

- Output Type - I²C, SPI

- Axis - X / Y / Z

- Bandwidth - minimum of 1.6KHz (as higher the better)

- Resolution - 16 bits

I found a lot of accelerometer that meet the specifications above, although I am not being able to understand how can I guarantee a good resolution in high frequencies of the accelerometer.

I already tested the MPU9250 in a shaker and the results in low frequency (until 150Hz) is reasonable, although in high frequencies (from 150Hz until 1kHz) it is horrible as shown below:


ps- the blue dots are the reference accelerometer (piezoeletric) and the orange dot is the MPU9250.

My question is:

-       How can I understand from the datasheet that the resolution in high frequency will be ok?

Lead III

> -       How can I understand from the datasheet that the resolution in high frequency will be ok?

Checking for frequency response parameters in the datasheet ?

The curve looks strange. There seems some resonance involved.

Unless you provide a reference signal (known acceleration), you cannot say which sensor is more off.


I tend to agree with your statement, althought there are some reasons why I believe in results above:

  • The test was performed several times and the results were all the same
  • I used more than one piezoeletric accelerometer to double check the results, and I got the same thing