2020-02-27 1:36 AM
I'am using X Nucleo IKS01A3 and working on algobuilder . when I finish the function blocks and see the graphs on GUI unicleo I get the same graphs for both calibrated and non calibrated accelerometer and gyroscope and magnetometer can you help to find the right blocks for calibration?
2020-03-02 2:17 AM
I would recommend you to read user manual for the calibration libraries MotionAC (accelerometer calibration), MotionGC (gyroscope calibration), MotionMC (Magnetometer calibration). The user manuals can be found on X-CUBE-MEMS1 web page.
For magnetometer calibration you have to do 8-shape movement. Then the algorithm is able to calculate the cal. coefficients and you should see difference easily.
For gyroscope calibration the device needs to be still for a while, the change between calibrated and uncalibrated data can be small so it is better to compare the exact value in table not in the graph.
For accelerometer you need to do slow movement or place the board in 6 different positions (on each side) then the algorithm is able to calculate the calibration coefficients. Usually the accelerometer is good even without calibration so the difference can be very small and not visible in graph.
2020-03-10 9:00 AM
thank you so much for your answer , I have red the manual about calibration but I don't have anything on my GUI unicleo I don't have any library on it, so I use the libraries on Algobuilder so can you help me to find the right Algo on algorithm to make the calibration ? is it my algo on algobuilder right ?