2021-07-18 10:59 PM
The video on the homepage shows the possibility to see the live data and fft analysis. I don't get this in the usage of the app. Can someone please give me a short introduction or show me where to find the manual?
2021-07-19 3:49 AM
Hi, in this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3M0_9EdOqU) they use the FFT amplitude window by clicking on the top left of the page and selecting FFT Amplitude from the menu.
Is this what you are looking for?
2021-07-19 10:20 PM
2021-07-21 12:19 AM
Maybe it is the usage of the wrong binary. With the BLE_sanpleapp binary i only got temprature, pressure etc.
Which one is the right one for this application?
2021-07-22 1:05 AM
2021-07-22 1:28 AM
Thanks for putting it beside. I only got the actual version v2.4.0 from the website, which doesn't seem to support the STM32L4R9ZI or at least i cannot get aconnection via bluetooth.
At the beginning i got a few refreshing graphs, but than it seems to stop ot of a sudden. The plot function also seems to show no graph. Is it the version, the app or even me?