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Hello , I am having an issue with the iis3dwb mems sensor when it is communicating with the esp32 device , I have seen as many of the examples related to the device even searched the community but haven't got any solution for it , i need an example code

ST Employee

Hi @VAdit.1​ ,

If the C examples on Github ST repository doesn't help you (iis3dwb_STdC), I would ask for support to ESP32 experts.

Can you please have a look to this thread on Github and check if it can be of some help?



You may well have gone to the ends of the universe, but it's not particularly helpful when describing what you've actual done, and where that's fallen down.

The IIS3DWB is connected via SPI, and should be pretty agnostic to the MCU you've chosen. The ESP32 isn't going to get much explicit support here, so perhaps review how you're implementing your SPI connectivity, and start with things like the WHO_AM_I register to confirm you can read back registers as expected.

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Hey @Eleon BORLINI​ and @Community member​ thanks for answering my query as of now i getting the WHO_AM_I register data but its working on SPI mode 1 but data sheets specifies that it is reads the register at mode 0 or 3 !!! so my question is that am i getting the write data.

Or even the right data?

I guess I'd look at other registers, and perhaps look at the SPI signals on a logic-analyzer if I were concerned.

Check you ability to read/write other register, position of status bits, and those documented as being always 1 or 0

Honestly not familiar with the performance/expectations on the ESP32

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