2020-07-17 7:35 AM
2020-07-20 2:07 AM
Hi @GCele.1 , the SensorTile.box can work in 3 different modes: the Mode 1 and Mode 2 are related to the smartphone app, but the Mode 3 is properly designed for programming the tool with a proper IDE (STM32CubeIDE, EWARM, Atollic...), together with the proper hardware (STLINK V2 adapter + cable, which should be embedded in the ST.box kit). The suggestion is to start from the FP-SNS-STBOX1 examples and integrate here your C code. You can check THIS tutorial video for details on Mode 3 operation. If you however need also the original source code (I mean, not only the .bin file that you can find in this community), you should contact ST sales and representatives form the official channel since it is not open. Btw, which is your target application? Regards
2020-07-20 6:03 AM
Thanks for support. So to load personal code (pro mode) I must use the ST-LINK or there is another method? My goal is to evaluate the battery consumption using the two different approaches: the first (C code) by loading my personal code, the second (Machine Leaning CORE) using the technology made available by the sensortile.box then with decision tree generated starting from the dedicated software (Algobuilder - -> Unicleo-GUI -> UNICO). All on accelerometer and gyroscope measurements to recognize a person's kyphotic posture.
Thanks in advance
2020-07-20 6:12 AM
If you have the .bin file of your code you can upload it on the SensorTile.box via USB setting the microcontroller in DFU mode. HERE you can find a post from the ST community with a video that explains you how to do it. Regards
2020-07-20 8:10 AM
Thanks so much for your help
2020-07-20 8:40 AM
Last question, I don't have the JTAG20 to STDC14 adapter where can I find it?
2020-07-21 6:42 AM
I answered to your question here. Regards