2020-08-02 05:07 PM
I connected the nucleo F401RE to max30100 using i2c level shifter tca 9406 https://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/tca9406.pdf?ts=1596413075744
, and I am only getting the adderss of the sensor but no data.
I also tried to add 10k resistors and got the same result.
What should i do in order to solve this problem?
2020-08-02 06:58 PM
The NUCLEO runs at 3.3V you can pull up the SCL, SDA, INT pins to 3.3V (VDDIO) as I2C is an open-drain signalling method
Instead of linking data sheet for level converter, show you're actual circuit diagram. Show how you're powering and wiring in MAX30100
The I2C on D14,D15 Arduino pins of the Nucleo should work. Find an I2C example for the NUCLEO