2023-01-05 1:04 AM
I would like to know if is possible to use the X-MEMS-1 application calls : CustomDataLogFusion only with my ISM330DHCX (Acc/Gyr) and if I will find my input data like accelaration, gyroscope, the gravity, linear acceleration on unicleo ?
Best regards
2023-01-12 4:17 AM
Unfortunately no, the STM32CubeMX PC application requires besides accelerometer and gyroscope also magnetometer to generate CUSTOM_DataLogFusion application.
But ;)
There's some dirty workaround, you can use already generated FW application in X-CUBE-MEMS1 package in Firmware\Projects\NUCLEO-XXXXXX\Applications\IKS02A1\DataLogFusion directory (just choose the Nucleo board you prefer or generate the IKS02A1_DataLogFusion application for another Nucleo board or ST MCU using the DataLogFusion.ioc file in this directory as reference). This application contains also the magnetometer. Now go to Firmware\Projects\NUCLEO-XXXXXX\Applications\IKS02A1\DataLogFusion\Inc\iks02a1_mems_control.c file, find the BSP_SENSOR_MAG_Init function and delete the only one line it contains to make it empty (same as BSP_SENSOR_PRESS_Init for example). Compile the FW using your preferred IDE and program the Nucleo board. Then start Unicleo-GUI PC application and it will look like you have also magnetometer but FW will send 0 values to Unicleo and you can monitor data in User Messages tab or observe the tea-pot rotation after clicking on Fusion button (in this case I suggest to switch to 6-axes mode even if the 9-axes mode will work too but not in verified way due to unusable magnetometer data). Don't forget to physically turn your Nucleo board to point with the side opposite to the side with connector to your monitor and click on Reset model button otherwise the teapot rotation may be confused.
Best regards,