2014-07-25 2:28 PM
Hello everyone,
I am using iNEMO with AHRS algorithm provided by ST. I have noticed that there is a problem about function pointers initialization. These function pointers are used to point the AHRS algorithm (whose code is not provided by ST). In particular, three instructions are used to execute this algorithm: 1) // Init the all AHRS parameters iNEMO_AHRS_Init(&xSensorData, &xEulerAngles, &xQuat);2) //update iNEMO_AHRS_Update(&xSensorData, &xEulerAngles, &xQuat);3) // Deallocate memory iNEMO_AHRS_DeInit(&xSensorData, &xEulerAngles, &xQuat);These function pointers are pointing to a part of FLASH memory, but RAM reservation is also required to allocate something used by the algorithm. In fact one has to use the following instructions: volatile uint8_t pcDummyAHRSReserved[AHRS_RESERVED_RAM_SIZE] @AHRS_RESERVED_RAM_START_ADDR;pcDummyAHRSReserved[0] = 0;as specified in an ST sample program. But this doesn't work, and I suppose this is beacuse there are problems with memory allocation. Could anyone help me? What should I specify to execute my program correctly? Thank you in advance!2014-12-15 4:17 PM
Have yoy tried to increase the heap memory size?2015-05-20 1:22 PM