2019-06-17 1:38 AM
I recently bought a Lenovo Yoga S940 laptop and was overjoyed to found that it has a VL53L1X time of slight integrated.
I am now trying to access the sensor data through APIs available. Apparently, Microsoft has a proximity sensor API https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/uwp/api/windows.devices.sensors.proximitysensor, and intel has context SDK which both supports proximity sensor devices https://software.intel.com/en-us/context-sensing-sdk. However, i have been unable to get the VL53L1X detected as a valid device through either.
Does anyone know if VL53L1X laptop integrations are compatible with either of these SDKs? Is there any other standardized ways to access the output other than the custom C APIs provided by ST. I would ideally like to write my application that uses the sensor in C#.
thanks in advance