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Accelerometer interrupt types

Posted on December 08, 2017 at 17:31

I'm unclear about the the different types of interrupts generated by LIS2DE12 and similar devices.

In CTRL_REG3 (22h), the following interrupts can be enabled:

  • I1_CLICK
  • I1_IA1
  • I1_IA2
  • I1_ZYXDA
  • I1_WTM

I understand what CLICK, WTM, and OVERRUN do, but I'm not completely sure about IA1, IA2, and ZYXDA. It appears that IA2 can be used for wake up interrupts defined by a threshold and duration, is that the same for IA1? What about ZYXDA?

I looked for app notes or other documentation that explain these interrupts, but I haven't found much so far.

Can someone point me to the appropriate document?


Miroslav BATEK
ST Employee
Posted on December 09, 2017 at 10:34

In CTRL_REG3 zou can configure which feature can generate interrupt on interrupt pin INT1.

I1_IA1 bit enable interrupt from Interrupt Generator 1 which can be configured by registers INT1_CFG, INT1_THS, INT1_DURATION.

I1_IA2 bit enable interrupt from Interrupt Generator 2 which can be configured by registers INT2_CFG, INT2_THS, INT2_DURATION.

I1_ZYXDA bit enable data ready interrupt, it means when new data are enable the interrupt is triggered.