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WRONG FW in the selected board : Getting ID/PAC/KEY information for custom board having S2-LP

Nikhil D&K


I have a custom board based on STM32L073 MCU with S2LP radio device to provide SIGFOX functionality.

I am looking to provision my on chip S2LP device (i.e get ID/PAC/KEY) information from ST. I have referred "Getting started with the Sigfox S2-LP kit" and also this video but all the information is related to NUCLEO boards and not regarding any custom S2-LP board. 

Tested: When i flash SIGFOX_CLI_DEMO_NUCLEO_L0.bin to my custom board and try to open the COM Port (ST-DK) in SIGFOX GUI App i get the error of "Wrong FW in the selected board".

So can anyone please tell me how can i get ID/PAC/KEY for S2LP custom board based on STM32L073 MCU as i am unable to perform the same.

Associate II

In case of FLASH, Sigfox Flasher need to be used for writing credentials. Please see section 6.6 of UM2169.

Please use command from any serial utility to send Message(Image attached).

Can you please also confirm, if EEPROM case is working using the SIGFOX GUI?

Hello, we have a board (from our client) in hand that has STM32L073RZ MCU and S2LP transceiver on it for Sigfox communication but it's not a Nucleo board. So far that reason, its possible that i am getting that error of wrong firmware. I asked the question on Sigfox Slack community regarding whether the ID/PAC info will be provided by the ST or i have to get it from Sigfox build procedure and they told me to get ID/PAC info from Sigfox Build procedure as the hardware in question is a custom hardware using STM32L0 and S2LP chip.

Current update : I have received the set of 5 credentials from Sigfox Build procedure for testing phase.

I have followed the given link :

which in the end gives me id_key.bin file (contain decrypted binary data of 5 Keys) and ID/PAC text file.

Now i would like to know what are the information i have to write in flash ? ID/PAC ? In Sigfox documentation, it's written that i have to flash the board with id_key.bin file but how and at which particular address ?

Can you please tell the details steps of how i can flash/write the ID/PAC/KEY (received from Sigfox Build) and other info required for S2LP in flash.


Nikhil Komalan

Associate II


The parameter details are there in Table 13 of UM2169.

Once output bin file is generated, the FLASH can be written manually using firmware(Memory Read/write).

The FLASH Address can be choosen as defined by user.

If you are using ,"STSW-S2LP-SFX-DK" v1.7.1 from, FLASH Address are defined in "icf" file.


Once credentials has been written , try to execute commend sent in snapshot.



Try to verify, if this is same as the one that has been written.

hello, the binary file is generated and i have currently used STCubeProgrammer for flashing at default location of 0x0800FF00.


Once credentials has been written , try to execute commend sent in snapshot.




Which program have you flashed to perform this ?


Currently i am testing my setup for Uplink using Push Button example. And i was able to retrieve my SIgfox ID and other info from flash as written previously using ST Cube Programmer.

So my ST_Sigfox_Init function get executed properly without any error. Now what should be my next step. Currently i dont have a Sigfox bakend account as well.

Associate II


Ok, Good to know Initialization has been done without ERROR.

Try to execute "SIGFOX_API_send_frame" , by setting "but_pressed" variable either by Push Button or by Firmware.

If this function Get executed without any "error" (SFX_ERR_NONE) . This indicates, the message has been transmitted.

"use_public_key" can be set as per requirement.

Getting error code 126 (0x7e) . Will my device send data ? its currently not registered at backend on Sigfox.

Getting error code 126 (0x7e) . Will my device send data ? its currently not registered at backend on Sigfox.

Associate II


For testing purpose , Please comment below lines to disable low Power Mode:

 // ST_MCU_API_GPIO_LowPower();


//  ST_MCU_API_SetSysClock();

//  ST_MCU_API_GPIO_Restore();

After successful transmission , LED3 will blink 3 times.

But No Error should be returned by the function "SIGFOX_API_send_frame".