2015-11-11 6:29 AM
I have a query. I have a Virtual COM demo Project by ST. It is meant for L053R6 with Blue NRG chip. Will the same work on L051R6 with the same Blue NRG chip? The UART pins seem to be the same. I changed the device in Keil Options for Target and also defined the preprocessor as STM32L051xx. So, it compiles with no errors and warnings. However, when I try to open the com port through Blue NRG GUI, it says ''invalid event. unknown event code.'' I am communicatiing with the GUI through UART, using a USB-UART converter. #stm32 #bluenrg #bluetooth #nucleo2015-11-11 10:14 AM
Will the same work on L051R6... However, when I try to open the com port ...
You seem to have answered your own question. Compiling and linking without error just means there aren't any egregious syntax errors or missing code. It's not a stamp of functional correctness. I'm not using L0 parts, I'd presume the differences would show up from a comparison of the Data Sheets/Manuals for the two parts. Start there, and check things like clocks, and available peripherals. I'm confused, and perhaps intrigued, by the use of a Virtual COM Port (VCP) and a USB-to-Serial converter. If you're building a VCOM why the physical connection?I have a Virtual COM demo Project by ST Can you provide a cite, or path for that? Assume that there are very few people here using the exact same combination of parts, and the more accessible you make your question to the broader community the better chance you'll get a useful answer.
2015-11-12 7:03 AM