2022-06-30 5:52 AM
Hello everyone,
I recently successfully used a BlueNRG-2 chip for a BLE project (connected to an external microcontroller and integrating the BlueNRG-2 API by means of .ioc project manager). However, it needed a very small baloon which has been a real mess to solder by hand. I then saw that the BlueNRG-LP comes with the baloon integrated, which could help me hand-soldering the PCBs.
However, the BlueNRG-LP doesn't come with a preflashed image. Is there any available image by ST that I can flash on the BlueNRG-LP that will let me keep using the same (or at least similar) APIs used on the BlueNRG-2? I think that including the libraries via STM32CubeIDE Project Manager really speeds up the programming time.
Thank you for reading,
2022-07-21 3:13 AM
BlueNRG-LP can be used as Network processor.
You will find associated image in BlueNRG-LP SDK (BlueNRG-LP_LPS DK 1.2.0\Firmware\BLE_Examples\DTM)
Now there are few changes in API when dealing with stack v2.x (BlueNRG-2) versus stack v3.x (BlueNRG-LP).
You will find migration guideline from v2.x to v3.x in BlueNRG-LP SDK documentation (Bluetooth LE stack migration guidelines from v2.x to v3.x).