2017-09-19 7:26 AM
I am using SPWF01SA (ver :160129-c5bf5ce-SPWF01S) with CubeExpansion_WIFI1_V3.0.2 with custom hardware.
Trying a simple test of adding a html file to RAM using wifi_file_create(). File is added as i confirmed this with wifi_file_list(). I am starting the module in miniAP mode and when i try to access this html file from wifi client laptop, http connection drops. But if i try to access any other html file i can get it in my browser.
//code for file creation and module startup....
WiFi_Status_t status = WiFi_MODULE_SUCCESS;
uint8_t ssid[11] = {'R','L','C','_','C','O','N','F','I','G',0}; uint8_t tmp[85];sprintf((char*)tmp,'%s','<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>testpage</title></head><body>testpage</body></html>');
InitWiFi_GPIO();StartWiFiHardware(); status = SET_Configuration_Addr(WIFI_IP_APDOMAINNAME, 'domain.net'); if(status != WiFi_MODULE_SUCCESS) LOG('failed to set domain name...\n');wifi_ap_start(ssid,6);status = wifi_file_create('test.html',sizeof(tmp),(char*)tmp); if(status != WiFi_MODULE_SUCCESS) LOG('failed to create file...\n'); else LOG('file created...\n');status = wifi_file_list();wifi_file_show((uint8_t*)'test.html');
///// Output from teraterm log window
Initializing SPWF01SA1 Interface..
+WIND:1:Poweron (160129-c5bf5ce-SPWF01S)+WIND:13:ST SPWF01S IWM: Copyright (c) 2012-2015 STMicroelectronics, Inc. All rights Reserved.
+WIND:3:Watchdog Running
+WIND:0:Console active
+WIND:32:WiFi Hardware Started
WiFi Module started...
+WIND:26:WiFi Started AP with network 'RLC_CONFIG'
+WIND:24:WiFi Up:
Connected to network now, ready for TCP communication ...>>Soft Reset Wi-Fi module
+WIND:1:Poweron (160129-c5bf5ce-SPWF01S)
+WIND:13:ST SPWF01S IWM: Copyright (c) 2012-2015 STMicroelectronics, Inc. All rights Reserved.
+WIND:3:Watchdog Running
+WIND:0:Console active
+WIND:32:WiFi Hardware Started
WiFi Initialised and Ready..
file created...+WIND:26:WiFi Started AP with network 'RLC_CONFIG'
+WIND:24:WiFi Up:
D 85 /test.html I 461 /input_demo.shtml I 384 /output_demo.html I 614 /index.html I 157 /peers.shtml I 193 /config.shtml I 180 /message.shtml I 174 /status.shtml I 5496 /remote.html I 3447 /firstset.html I 212 /404.htmlOK
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>testpage</title></head><body>testpage</body></html>OK.....................#spwf01sa12018-04-24 6:16 AM
the file created by wifi_file_create() must include a complete HTTP response header plus the document content that will be delivered to the client.