2022-06-09 2:44 PM
Hi! I'm working with spirit1 module. I'm monitoring internal registers reading them one time per second. After reset mc_state registers C0 and C1 contains values 0x02 and 0x07, what means READY state. I'm trying to put it now in RX mode with command 0x62. I get immediately registers C0 and C1 0x02 and 0x27, what means unknown error. This one error I'm steady getting whatever I do with RX or TX. I can't find nowhere, what this error means and what is wrong? May be radio module needs some special initialization after Reset? No sign of such topic. Might be very kind if in manual would be some c++ code for initialization like in MRF24 manual. Apropos, manual and datasheet are absolute terrible comparing with such of mrf24. So could someone help me?